Course content
In this 2-day massage course, you will get acquainted with giving massage and discover what touching and being touched can feel like for you personally. At the end of the weekend, you will be able to massage your friends and family in a homely setting.
Have you noticed the past year that touch is essential to human interaction? Often the real value of something comes to light when it is hardly or no longer there. If this rings true for you and you have made it your intention to connect more with loved ones in a wordless and more connective way, then this two-day introduction weekend course is for you.
In this weekend you will learn and practice basic massage skills. There is not a lot of theoretical background information because we want you to sink into the experience and get confident in the art of massage.
You will also get a feel for the atmosphere of Holos and discover what working from the Holos vision means. Perhaps this weekend makes you yearn for more. These introduction courses have been a steppingstone for massage-careers for many Holos Masseurs and Holos Massage Therapy practitioners. At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate of proof of participation. We will focus on different body parts during the weekend. For instance, the back, legs, feet and head. As participant you can give your preference.
This course will be taught in English by Sophie Fagan.
Data & times
This 2-day massage course will be on Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th of February 2025.
Practical information
het Holos Huis, Nachtegaalstraat 31 in Utrecht.
Cost & payment
The cost is € 225,- per person.
After registration you will receive an automated confirmation including the terms and conditions. Within three weeks before the start of the course you can expect the practical information.
For this course you will need a white fitted sheet, bath towel and two or three white towels.